Alcohol Testing

Alcohol is a primary cause for accidents across the U.S. in the home and, at work.
Alcohol continues to be the most used and abused drug across all ages in the United States and is linked to increases in accidents, violence and neglect.

RediTesting can test for the presence of alcohol in breath, saliva, blood, urine, hair and nails. Our reports are court-admissible and conform to the regulations for the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) testing program for a Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace for Safety Sensitive Employees and Supervisors.

Testing for alcohol in breath is done by DOT approved testing devices which are calibration checked monthly to ensure quality and efficacy. Breath tests are effective in determining the presence of alcohol in the donor at the current time and are not able to detect historical use.

Saliva and urine tests allow for a recent look back for alcohol consumption, up to about 80 hours, in the donor and can be done in an instant format that allows for quick information.

Blood tests that RediTesting performs are typically for determining alcohol use in binge drinking going back two-three weeks using a simple finger-prick and blood spot collection.

Hair and Nail tests allow for a longer look-back into alcohol consumption, ~90 days in head-hair and ~180 days in fingernails. These tests allow for an extended look into habitual consumption by the donor.

All of the above tests can be used for legal purposes when we can determine identity by government-issued ID.